E2E or Unified Solutions
End-to-End (E2E) or Unified solutions are what any small to mid-size business should be looking to implement, if their goal is to spend more time in the sales of their product or service and less time dealing with customers who are unhappy as a result of botched delivery of the products or services they’ve purchased.
When your system is not E2E or Unified, you’re often working on disparate systems, trying to the fix problems associated with using different software, the data inconsistencies, and where multiple vendors deflect problems by pointing their finger at the other vendor. All you want to do is sell and deliver your product or service, but your system isn’t making that easy.
We understand the place for easy web site builders and getting your presence online, but we also know that ultimately you’ll need more. Of course, these are decisions that need to be weighed, but in weighing that decision, we hope you would also consider how you will get to the next level based upon the decision you make. Your technology platform is essentially the foundation upon which you build your business and the extent to which it can grow and have an efficient layout requires thinking ahead. Having to re-implement it can be costly and disruptive to your business.
Naturally, you may think, “Well I did not need that when I started. I was able to handle everything with a cobbled system…” We understand that thinking, but we also know there are options that are both affordable and scalable, and where all the pieces work off of the same core. These solutions work end-to-end. They allow you to sell online, through Point-Of-Sale, and in your office, while running off of the same data, inventory, CRM, etc. Everything is integrated, in real-time, and there’s one vendor. Best of all, the platform is extendable. That means the platform offers the ability to program additional customization so that the system can be tailored to your business’s specific needs.
Most businesses would love to operate on a unified system, but to build one could be costly and time consuming. Fortunately, these systems do exist and the licensing might be suited to your needs. It costs nothing to inquire if such a solution is right for your business.
Everest and E2E/Unified Solutions
Everest works with businesses to determine our unified solution offering is appropriate for your business.
We arrange for a demonstration and review all the features with you.
We determine which licensing option would be best for your needs and help you estimate your expense for such a solution.
We serve as your point for onboarding to the solution.
We are available to do maintenance, if you choose.
We can code any necessary customizations tailoring the solution to your specific business needs.
let's talk about your business